
Here you’re treated like a friend – not a patient.  The moment you step through the door you’re greeted by your first name.

Drop into a welcoming chair, enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, and relax.

And check if you can recognise the “old” Cooroy… You’ll find photos all over the reception area.

We’ve been taking care of local families for more than 21 years, but constantly update our practice so it doesn’t age – today we look fresh and new.

People here love what they do, so they stay. You’ll see the same dentist every time so you can build trust and a relationship with.

And yes, we really care. We offer a comforting hand to help you into the chair, and you’ll get a call the next day to check how you feel.

We also know that complex medical jargon is better left for doctors, so we talk to you in a way that is simple and easy to understand.

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9 Garnet St, Cooroy QLD 4563, Australia

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